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Our Programs & Activities

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Our Programs & Activities

JANIDA Uganda focuses on thematic areas critical to improving socio-economic and environmental conditions. From promoting sustainable agriculture to empowering youth through education and vocational training, discover the comprehensive programs transforming lives.


Thematic Areas

Agriculture. Food, Nutrition and Income Security

To develop agricultural value chains for food, nutrition and income growth.


1. Establishment of a Farm Mechanization, Value addition and Climate Smart
Training Centre in Mpigi to enhance the capacity of the Ugandan young farmers
acquire practical knowledge & skills.

2. Create awareness through electronic (Radio) and print media (IEC) materials

3. Carry out Training in agronomic and animal husbandry practices

4. Establish on-farm demonstrations of new and improved agricultural technologies

5. Train farmers on commercial farming and enterprise development.

6. Train farmers on post-harvest handling, value addition and agricultural marketing

7. Conduct market research, market information collection and dissemination

8. Train farmers on food and nutritional security and poverty issues

9. Carry out training on fruit and vegetable backyard gardens establishment and

10. Conduct demonstrations on appropriate diets for various age groups of household members.

Environment and Natural Resources management and governance

To promote sound environmental and natural resources management and governance.


1. Create awareness about environmental and natural resources degradation

2. Equip farmers and communities with skills and knowledge in sustainable
agricultural practices

3. Train farmers on establishment and management of tree nurseries

4. Train communities on tree planting and management

5. Train communities on environment and natural resource policy and laws

6. Engage communities in wetland conservation efforts

7. Create community conservation groups consisting of women and youth

8. Promotion of Environmental Clubs in Schools

9. Best farming practices that adapts to climate change (Eco-Agriculture friendly

Climate Change adaptation and mitigation

To build community resilience to impacts of climate change.


1. Create awareness about climate change

2. Train in sustainable agricultural practices

3. Train communities on proper food storage especially grains

4. Promotion of sustainable energy efficiency technologies: solar, Biogas, wood stoves

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

To ensure protection, access and full utilization of water resources for agricultural production, hygiene and sanitation.


1. Develop water source protection plans

2. Build community water dams for irrigation

3. Train communities on water harvesting

4. Provide tanks for water harvesting in water stressed areas

5.Plant trees around water sources

6. Empower community water users through training on water source protection

7. Construct new water sources

8. Train on hygiene and sanitation improvement

9. Provide hand-washing equipment to schools, markets and hospitals

Socio-economic and School education for children and vocational services for the youth

To improve Social and School Education for children and vocational services for youth to combat the underlying causes of poverty.


1. Establish clean water and sanitation facilities to increase access

2. Equip girls with skills for making girls sanitary towels

3. Create better classroom environment for better child education

4. Provide scholastic materials for child education

5. Improve on school infrastructure services

6. Support the girl child education and other needy children

7. Support children’s access to pre-primary and primary education

8. Promote culture and art activities

9. Promote Adult literacy education

10. Conduct vocational training activities for youth

11. Train in entrepreneurship with financial inclusion (VSLAs)/Agri-business for the youth and the poor famer groups

Gender and Community Development

To mainstream gender and other cross-cutting issues in all programs and projects; and harness community development initiatives


1. Create awareness about the cross-cutting issues

2. Conduct a gender analysis

3. Develop a gender policy strategy

4. Train communities in gender and its implications for socio-cultural and economic development

5. Mainstream gender in all organizational activities

6. Engage in Community development activities

7. Carry out monitoring and evaluation

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